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Goodbye George Santos

For the second time in tñe few weeks that Michael Johnson has been Speaker of the House of Representitives the Republican Party dominated House has actually compromised and passed a bi-partisan motion. Let's hope this portends a future of actual, good for the nation, legislation. After years of virtual deadlock this is a great switch. Good work Speaker Johnson

But getting to this week's actions...Representitive George Santos a Republican Party member from New York State has been expeled from his membership of the House. The motion to expel required a 2/3 majority vote. The actual vote was closer to 3/4. One hundred five Republican Party members voted to expel. However, none of the party leadership followed the majority of the majority.

Clearly House Republican Party leaders are still much more interested in partisan politics than in actually trying to make (or keep) this country great. The irony for the Republican Party is that the New York third district that Santos has represented is primarily Democratic Party voters.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul will call a special election for sometime in the next 90 days. This may well elect a Democratic Party member which will change the dynamics of the House of Representitives.

Santos not only has been indicted for various crimes involving the illegal use campaign donations, he just seem to give off the aura of being a slimy crook. While he hasn't (yet) been convicted... his aura of sliminess has made him a liability to a party the claims to support Law and Order.. Good Riddance.