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Trump Says This May Be The Last Election

This week Felon Ex-President Donald Trump clearly stated at a conservative Christian event that if he is elected "You won't have to vote anymore". Sounds to me, and many others that Trump is saying that when he becomes the Authoritarian President, there will be no need to vote anymore because there will be no elections. He will be President for life. Like his buddies Putin, Edrogan and Orban who don't need to be re-elected because they are doing such a good job running their countries.

Each of us have choices as to how we deal with statements like this. When Trump makes a statement like this he never, repeat never, clarifies what he really means. He doesn't come back and say, for instance, White Christians won't need to vote anymore because he will have fixed all of their problems and modeled the government on fundamentalist Christian Principles He doesn't make this clarification.

Many of his vocal supporters have tried to say that this is what Trump really meant. Do they say that Trump explained this to these supporters... no. They are saying that because they don't truly believe Trump says what he means and they are hoping thatundecided voters believe them and not Trump.

The Magabillies don't really care about the content of what Trump says. Trump is always right in their minds and the Truth is what Trump says.

But there are many others who think of themselves as Conservatives, who believe in strict interpretation of the Constitution and who are Trump supporters. What are they to believe... What Trump says or what he meant, as told by vocal Trump supporters.

Personally, It doesn't matter what Trump said or what he meant. As he showed the first time he was President, he is totally incapable of truly accomplishing anything except by edict. He wasn't able to and he won't be able to work with Congress to accomplish anything, and he won't be able to make non-political governmental agencies political.

He can only impose tariffs and trade restrictions on other nation's businesses. As is it did earlier, this will only mean higher prices for Americans... not new jobs.

Unlike Putin, Edrogan, Orban and even Maduro... Trump isn't smart enough or widely-enough popular with people of power and influence to make himself President for Life. He wasn't even smart enough to choose Don Jr. as his vice-presidential running mate.

Additionally, Trump's trade restrictions with Venezuela made one of the richest nations in the world into one of the poorest. Hundreds of thousands Venezuelans have flocked to our border with Mexico trying to enter this country because of Trump's policies. This is the real border problem.