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Trump - Law and Order and Civilization

Have you noticed that since Convicted Felon, Past-President Donald Trump was first elected in 2016 (on a mandate of law and order) there seems to be a marked increase in lawlessness and crimes committed with guns. This seems especially true about crimes committed by teenagers. President Biden certainly hasn't been able to stop this, but it was started during the Trump administration.

Law and order, indeed civilization in general, is not advanced with more cops on the street. Having fewer, as we do today, exacerbates the situation. Law and order is advanced by our leaders preaching against lawlessness.... not loudly proclaiming that they victims while they personally perpetrate crimes.

Trump, by his very words and actions encourages lawlessness by teenagers and young adults. Hell, they may say, if Trump gets away with it we can also. In urban, inner-city Teenagers carrying guns seems to be the norm. These Teenagers seem to use guns as the first stage in any altercation. Seemingly, the lives of other humans are of no importance to them.

Urban, inner-city Teenagers are also the ones who are stealing Kias and Hyundais, often for use to break into storefronts and facilitate robberies and getaways.

Notice how I used the term urban, inner-city... in case you weren't aware,that is the DEI code for neighborhoods where Black people predominantly live... which is a term we can't use anymore. Most of these killings are committed by young black boys and men.

Through his actions, through his rhetoric Convicted Felon, Past-President Donald Trump encourages lawlessness, violence and a lack of respect for property rights and human life and is contributing in a large way to the breakdown of civilized society in America.

Trump makes the problem worse, not better.