Hunkered Down in Bremerton

Operation Legend

Department of Homeland Security agents look like a Monty Python version of the KGB or SS as they march around Portland in full battle dress spewing tear gas at protesters. This is comic opera. It is clearly a stunt by President Trump to appear as a strongman Vladimir Putin style leader. I can just imagine the huddle, chanting "ve are ust following orters", before heading out on the streets for another performance. It is just missing the Wagnerian music in the background.

While the City of Portland has done what it can do to try to tamp down any violence and private property distruction, Trump is clearly and purposefully escallating the tension in the city. His only purpose is to try to appear as a "Law and Order" guy to help him get elected. He doesn't give a rat's ass about Portland or Chicago or Albuquerque or Kansas City... these aren't cities that voted for him, or will vote for him in November. He is putting on a show for Fox News and magabillies.

Living near Seattle, I see in the local media how the City of Seattle has reacted in the face of nightly protests, property damage, and some scattered violence (including some against law enforcement officers). The protests in Seattle have been less violent and shorter-lived than in Portland. In general I don't agree with Seattle's handling of what has occurred there, but city officials are handling matters in their own way. Except for from the far left, I don't hear of massive recall movements against elected officials. The city council talks strongly about "defunding the police", but this is just talk.

The police officers union leaders are screaming bloody-murder about officers being injured by protesters. They should... thats their job. The individual officers are free to leave the force at any time if they don't agree with how it is lead. There are plenty of cities looking to hire trained officers for their forces. If enough quit in their own protest they will be accomplishing what many city council members want anyway.. fewer cops on the street.

As a caution, though, to the pretend KGB troops... If you are wearing camo, without indication of your status as a federal law enforcement officer, with a full face mask and no visible identification... don't be surprised to be treated like a terrorist by local police and prosecuters if you commit violent acts (eg terrorist acts) against un-armed civilians. Don't be surprised when local officials, courts, and the entire nation laughs when you say "ve were ust following orters".

Howard B. Julien

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Updated July 25, 2020