Hunkered Down in Bremerton

Howard's Blog November 7, 2020

It's not the economy, stupid

Most of the ballots have been counted, but the final decisions have not been made.

One of the items that I noticed during television interviews with prospective voters before the election and in exit interviews was that the most frequent reason given by interviewees as to their Trump preference was "The Economy". For almost everyone voting for Trump this was the main reason given. Not national security, not immigration, not judicial appointments, not his "great" handling of the pandemic ... the economy. And yet the economy is in the toilet. What gives? Is this actually a Dog Whistle?

According to Wikipedia, "In politics, a dog whistle is the use of coded or suggestive language in political messaging to garner support from a particular group without provoking opposition. The concept is named for ultrasonic dog whistles used in shepherding."

I would bet that almost none of those interviewed responded that they were voting for Trump because they don't believe that there is systemic racism in this country, or "he will keep the minorities in their place", or because Black Lives Don't Matter, or because he would like to stop peaceful protests, or because they agree with his racist attitudes. Virtually nobody will conceed that they are racists... but in my mind most Trump followers agree 100% with his attitude and actions involving the black communities

"The Economy" is a Dog Whistle for "I wholeheartedly agree with his racist attitudes and actions"

Sorry James Carville, it's not the economy stupid it's the racism.

Howard B. Julien

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November 7, 2020