Hunkered Down in Bremerton
Hunkered Down in Bremerton

What Will Really Make America Great Again

The United States of America has a constitutional, freely-elected government that recognizes some basic rights such as free speech, free press and the right to bear arms. This fact alone made America great in the 18th and 19th centuries.

This fact made the United States the same as many countries in the twentieth century.  What made America great (again) in the last century was our dominance and victory in World War II.  It was the so-called Greatest Generation that made America great again.  The things that they believed and their achievements added to what made us great in earlier years made us great again in the 1940s.

The Greatest Generation made us great again because

  1. They had a common enemy that the world needed to destroy.
  2. They elected a true leader as president who surrounded himself with the best and brightest advisors... A leader who lead.
  3. They sacrificed many individual liberties in order to work together to overwhelm enemies with skilled, motivated human effort.
  4. They allowed the government to spend well beyond its means in order to create the industrial strength to defeat the enemy.

Look at the mess the United States has become today.  Covid-19 is raging,  the economy is in ruins,  Trump claims election fraud while young Black men are being hunted down on the streets, .  Don’t blame Trump.  This was brought on by voters who thought he had the solution.  He didn’t.  They were wrong.  MAGA should have been KAPL – Keep Amerca Pathetic Longer.

While we still have what made us great in 1789 we have lost what made us great again in the 1940s. Trump's goal was to Make America Great Again.. He failed because he didn't understand the accomplishments of the Greatest Generation.

To truly Make America Great Again we need to follow the steps of the 1940s.

  1. We have to accept that our greatest common enemy is the novel Coronavirus and stomp it out with all of our effort, all of the time, until we are safe again, however long it takes. Only when the enemy is defeated can the economy recover.
  2. Hopefully.  we have elected a true leader who surrounds himself with the best and brightest advisors – Check. But only time will tell.  Strong leadership is needed to guide is through these troubled waters and to tell us what we need to do.
  3. We as a society have to sacrifice many of our individual liberties in the short-run and work together to fight the enemy.  Wear the fuckin mask, accept that you can’t go to your favorite bar or restaurant this evening, and for heaven’s sake don’t mix with people outside of your bubble.  Stay the course, (once again) however long it takes. Did I mention wear the fuckin mask.
  4. Our elected leaders (Congress and the President) must spend whatever money is necessary to defeat the enemy and to maintain our country's economic stability. The states and local governments need funding to fight the Coronavirus, provide PPE, staff and maintain medical facilities and provide for mass immunization. Individuals and small businesses need supplemental funding to get them through the effects of layoffs, shortened hours, and business closings.
Howard B. Julien

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Updated December 5, 2020