Hunkered Down in Bremerton

U.S. Treasury - Economy Dodges a Bullet

Once again at the final hour the Unites States Senate passed legislation allowing the federal debt to be increased. The House will follow this next week, and the President will sign the legislation and all will be back to normal until December. Then what?

How stupid is this? All this does is re-affirm that the US Treasury can spend money that was already allocated by Congress and the President through earlier legislation. There is nothing new. The money had already been allocated. With the United State's essentially unlimited borrowing power it doesn't matter if the money comes from tax revenue or increased debt... Congress (including both the recent Republican majority and the current Democratic majority) and Presidents including both Biden and Trump have said "Spend the Money". So spend the money

If the Republicans in Congress want to prevent the money from being spent, they shouldn't have created what the Democrats believe were wasteful and stupid projects in 2019 and 2020. Currently the Republicans believe that the Democrats are engaging in wasteful spending of precious dollars. Guess What -- Both sides are hypocrites in this regard...what else is new?

December will be here soon and we will have to go throught this again. Once again McConnell will agree, at the last minute, to a two-month extension and we will be brought back from the brink of economic disaster. Why go through this?

If the Democrats in the Senate aren't sufficiently united to completely eliminate the filabuster, they should be able to eliminate it on this absurd debt extension. They did so when Harry Reid was Majority Leader for confirmation of federal judicial appointments.

The filabuster itself harkens back to Southern racist senators using it as a means to block civil rights legislation. Keeping it in place at all encourages racism. Lets end it once and for all. For any legislation or other business to be conducted in the Senate a simple majority vote should suffice. Having a second house of Congress and a President provides plenty of checks and balances against the possiblity of a rogue, slim minority in the Senate going off-the-rails. If there are a majority of Republicans in the Senate... they get to decide. The same goes if there is a majority of Democrats. We take our chances as a confederation of states when we elect such collectively stupid people as we do to important offices.

Howard B. Julien

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Updated October 9, 2021