Hunkered Down in Bremerton

Omicron Redux- One More Time again

During the past week the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have been widely criticized for changing the isolation standards for those who have tested positive for Covid-19 and making them too weak and unprotective. What the CDC said is that for those who are asymptomatic and test positive they should remain in isolation for 5 days (down from 10) unless they develop systems. If they develop symptons of Covid-19 they should remain in isolation for an additional time period and then be retested. No big deal. This would help to prevent the testing system from being overtaxed and will keep the lines shorter. People who are asymptomatic are far less likely to spread Covid-19 than those who are experiencing symptons.

The key word here is asymptomatic. These rules or suggestions only apply if a person tests positive while showing none of the classic symptons of Covid-19. The vast majority of people who get tested (IMHO) have symptons. Personally, I developed a unusually severe "runny nose" two weeks ago after interacting with my three year old grandson. I got tested and my results were negative. If test results had been positive I would not consider myself asymptomatic and I would have followed the more strict protocols.

It seems to me that most people, especially in the mass news-media don't hear the asymptomatic part. Perhaps that is because unlike newspapers and the better news magazines there are no editors to review and critique news items before they are presented as factual. Beware.. there is a little bit of truth in calling them the Fake News. They don't even realize it.. this should make them the Stupid News... but alas, I digress.

The issue of being asymptomatic brings up another point. People who are asymptomatic should not be getting tested unless they are required to do so... Air travel passengers for example. The lines are too long... the resources are too taxed. If you are asymptomatic don't get tested unless you are required to do so.

The goal remains as it has always been... to defeat the Covid-19 pandemic. Everyone who tests positive and is diagnosed with Covid-19 brings us one person closer to that goal. So please either get the vaccination or get the disease and do it quickly so that the pandemic can be over.

Howard B. Julien

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Updated January 8, 2022